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Certified Business Architect® Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Program

The Certified Business Architect (CBA)® program certifies an individual as competent in the field of business architecture for a period of three years from date of issuance of the CBA®. During this period of time, individuals having achieved CBA® status will be required to maintain certification status by logging continuing education unit (CEU) credits. CBA®s must also remain members on a continuous basis, without lapse, in order to maintain their certification.

CEU Program

The first release of the program provides CBA® designated individuals with a number of options for maintaining certification. The program will evolve based on the evolution of Guild and third party programs and offerings.

A single CEU credit is defined as one (1) hour of participation in a Guild recognized, event, training course, webinar or other designated program. To maintain CBA® designation, an individual having achieved CBA® status must have logged at least 25 CEU credits during a three-year period that begins upon notice of certification into the CBA® program.

The CEU program is intended to continue increasing the skills and experience of those with the CBA® designation. The majority of CEU opportunities are offered at no cost to Guild members.

Earning Credits: Please Access Our CEU Products and Categories Below 

The Guild has established a list of means and sources for CBA® designated individuals, who are Guild members in good standing, to maintain their CBA® status. CBA® CEU credits may be earned for the following:

  • Attending a Business Architecture Guild live or recorded webinar and passing a related quiz (Not all webinars qualify for CEUs. Exceptions will be marked)
  • Attending a Business Architecture Guild sponsored event, including but not limited to the Business Architecture Innovation Summit, Business Architecture Innovation Workshops or others to be determined
  • Attending a Business Architecture Guild co-sponsored event as officially listed on the Guild event page website
  • Attending a training course designated as part of the Guild Accredited Training Partner® (GATP®) program
  • Volunteering in an official Business Architecture Guild sponsored, collaborative team program - Build the Guide and other publications
  • Volunteering to assist with certain Guild operational activities - Guide the Guild
  • Volunteering to help social, charitable and environmental NGOs and non-profit organizations with their business architectures
Activity CEUs Qualifiers How To Cost
Guild Whitepaper Author 8 each Team Lead Volunteer  $0
Guild Whitepaper Reviewer 2 each Team Lead Volunteer  $0 


Primary Contributor 
4 per major release Team Lead Volunteer   $0


Secondary Contributor
2 per major release  Team Lead Volunteer  $0
Guild Editorial Board  25 per year Guild President     $0
Guild Board of Directors  20 per year Guild  President    
Qualifying Guild Webinar (live or recorded) 1 each Participation and passing Quiz or entering verification code


Guild Webinar Delivery 8 each Editorial Board Chair   Volunteer  $0
Guild Sponsored Summit or Workshop 7 per day, beginning fall 2015 Participation  Guild Events 
 ~$400+ travel
Guild Sponsored Summit or Workshop Presenter 10 per session Participation  Guild Events 
 ~$400+ travel
Leading a Guild Team or Committee (subject to approval)  15 per year Editorial Board Chair or Board of Directors Volunteer  $0
Participating on a Guild Team or Committee 3 per year Team Lead   $0
GATP®  Courses TBD Participation GATP® Program varies
Volunteering for an NGO Determined and Pre - Approved by the Certification Committee Verification from Senior Executive of NGO TBD  $0

Receiving Continuing Education Units

You may not apply CEUs in advance of earning your CBA® designation.

The Guild will apply all Continuing Education Units directly to the CBA®’s member record. You may view credits eared in your dashboard. Credits will be located under your member profile/professional development. We do our best to post credits within the timeframes listed below, but please be patient as there may be delays due to unforeseen circumstances.        

Guild authorship credits will be posted within three weeks of the event or the BIZBOK Guide®/whitepaper release.

GATP® course and event providers must submit the required forms to the Guild. We anticipate CEUs will be applied within 45 days based on the receipt of the attendee list. 

Annual CEUs (for Guild participation) will be posted in June, prior to the Guild fiscal year end. 

Most, but not all, live and recorded webinars hosted after September, 2015 are eligible for 1 credit. Webinars will clearly be labeled. In order to receive a CEU, proof of attendance is required. Some webinars require that you enter the verification code provided by the webinar host at some point during the webinar. Some webinars require that you pass a 3 question quiz. You are only allowed 1 attempt. If you are not sure of your answer, pause the quiz and go back and rewatch the webinar. Credit will be applied to your profile immediately.

CEUs for Guild events require the CBA® to register on the Guild website directly and to confirm attendance via the sign-in sheet. No CEUs can be awarded to those who register with OMG directly. Process may vary, so follow instructions for the event you attend.

Program Evolution

This program will evolve from time-to-time. Updates will be posted to the Guild certification website.

Failure to Comply

If the required number of CEU credits is not earned during such time, that individual’s CBA® status will be terminated but his/her membership will be maintained based on their renewal anniversary.

Earn CEUs: Pass Webinar Quizzes, Attend GATP® Training, Volunteer

Passing Webinar Quizzes

70 Results

Guild Accredited Training Partners®

Participating or Volunteering in Guild Sponsored Activities and Events

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Participating or Volunteering in Pre-approved External Activities

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