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  • This webinar presents an update on Section 3.6, Business Architecture and Lean Six Sigma, of the BIZBOK Guide®. In 2024, the team’s major activities involved revising and updating the alignment of Lean Six Sigma (LSS) practices to that of business architecture, including the value stream examples. For those interested in learning more about these updates and the relationship between business architecture and LSS, primarily focused on the value stream, please join us for this informative session.

    Presenters:  Benton White, Kathryn Maglione, David Molina

    Registration for this webinar is closed and the recording is available. 

  • Effective strategy execution—the ability to translate and implement business direction in a coordinated and timely manner—has never been more critical than it is today, in a connected world where change is the new normal. Business architecture is increasingly recognized by organizations as a key enabler of strategy execution. This webinar, jointly presented by Whynde Kuehn and Brian H. Cameron, will discuss key takeaways from their co-authored book, The Execution Challenge, highlighting the critical role of business architecture in enabling effective strategy execution. They will also explore the state of business architecture in higher education and the potential to increase its presence, positioned within a strategy execution context.

    Presenters: Whynde Kuehn, Brian H. Cameron

    Registration for this webinar is closed. Recording is available. 

  • This webinar presents an update on the evolution and enhancements to the Guild’s Insurance Industry Reference Model (IRM). As this is work-in-progress we will show not just the proposed changes but more importantly, the methodology the team is using to discover and validate these changes.  Specifically, several claim related business scenarios are being analyzed that help the team identify missing or deficient business capabilities, information concepts and stakeholders.  These scenarios cover a range of insurance perspectives such as property and casualty, health, and life.

    Furthermore, these scenarios will be included in the upcoming Companion Guide that illustrate how to apply and use the architectural components of the Guild’s Insurance Industry Reference Model.

    Presenters: Annick Drolet, Maarten Hartog, Andrew Semple

    Registration for this webinar is closed and the recording is available. 

  • This webinar will provide an overview of the Transportation Reference Model, with a special focus on Freight and Shipping

    Presenter: Neil Peachey

    Registration for this webinar is closed. Recording is available. 

  • The webinar will provide an overview of the scope of the goverment reference model, recent changes to the content (version 5 is soon to be released), and a preview of the reference model Companion Guide.

    Registration for this webinar is closed and the recording is available 

    Presenters: Cecilie Hoffman, Mark Bussey 

  • The International Development Organization reference model is being developed by an international team of industry business architecture practitioners.  This webinar will walk attendees through the Version 1 of the reference model and discuss next steps for model development.

    Registration for this webinar is closed and the recording is available  

    Presenters: Harshita Challani, Sandra Dannhauser, Kaat Vannieuwenborgh 

  • The common reference model (CRM) is the baseline for each of the other Guild industry reference models. As such, each team may submit and review updates to the CRM and participate in its maturation and evolution. CRM v7.0, which will launch in the second half of 2024, has a number of substantive, useful updates. This webinar will overview these updates and preview the accompanying update to the CRM companion guide. 

    Registration for this webinar is closed and the recording is available  

    Presenter: William Ulrich, Damian Gawlowski 

  • This webinar presents an update on developments in the Guild’s Telecommunications Industry Reference Model (TRM). Since the team’s last update to the Guild’s community, and the team's major activities involved development of a new value stream, aligning the model with the Common Reference Model, and drafting version 1.0 of the TRM Companion Guide, and adding telecommunications specific enhancements. For those interested in leveraging business architecture to drive efficiency and innovation within a services-based ecosystem, please join us for this informative session.

    Registration for this webinar is closed and the recording is available 

    Presenters: Mike White and Roger Keller 

  • Stage 3 of Strategy Execution Framework™, Architect Business Solution, tends is often overlooked. Yet it remains a critical element of strategy execution. The BIZBOK® Guide say that stage 3 is where an organization should “Leverage business architecture and related business analysis and design disciplines to develop a business solution that can address priority business objectives.” Put in another way, stage 3 defines the business ecosystem as it look if the organization successfully executes its business strategy. The future state perspective is not constrained to a fixed set of topics, but generally includes business architecture innovations, future state IT architecture, and various future state design perspectives, all of which are aligned under a shared vision. This webinar will discuss key drivers of the future state, architecture versus design, business architecture’s role in the future state architecture and design definition, and tying all of these elements together. Please join this session for a look into the future.

    Presenters: William Ulrich 

  • The Financial Service Reference Model team will share updates being implemented in their upcoming reference model release that includes enhancements to the Capability Map, Information Map, Organization Map, a new Product Map, and the addition of new Value Streams and Capability Cross Mappings. The team will provide a walk through of 3 financial service scenarios that will be included in their first edition of the Companion Guide release.

    Registration for this webinar is closed and the recording is available 

    Presenters: Teresa Garcia, Jay Thakur, Tim Hale

  • This webinar presents an update on developments in the Guild Manufacturing Reference Model and Companion Guide. In 2023, the team's major activities involved drafting and revising six business architecture scenarios, relating to the Manufacture Product, Acquire Material, Develop Product, Delivery Initiative, Deploy Asset, and Acquire Product value streams. 2024 thus far has seen development of expanded value stream-capability cross maps, proposal and review of model modifications, and enhanced planning and administration aids. Manufacturing Reference Model 5.0.1 is anticipated, bringing the model into conformity with the revised Common Reference Model and adding new manufacturing-specific enhancements. For those interested in leveraging business architecture to drive manufacturing efficiency and innovation, please join us for this informative session.

    Presenters: Stephanie Ramsay, M Alexander Jurkat

  • In an environment where everyone is feeling pressure to maximize their value, the key is to showcase the alignment of strategy with the value delivered from technology investments. Business architecture plays a vital role in driving business outcome measurement models and articulating business outcomes to achieve an organization’s strategic goals. This session will discuss the simplicity and complexity of traceable measurement from enterprise strategy to product KPIs, the key role of business architecture, and both guidance and lessons learned from PNC and DMI. With real-life examples, you will see how successful business architecture has the ability to provide value across a broad range of industries

    Presenters: Kelley Eckmayer and Claire Wybrow

  • Our upcoming webinar, based on the white paper 'Business Requirements Harmonization Across Perspectives: Bridging the Gap,' delves into the challenges of aligning diverse perspectives - such as BIZBOK®, BABOK®, and TOGAF® - in today's dynamic business environment. We will streamline and navigate the concept of requirements across these perspectives, highlighting enterprise architecture concepts and extended relationships from a BIZBOK perspective. Additionally, we will illustrate our findings using a real-world use case.

    Join us if you're involved in business strategy - whether as a business analyst, enterprise architect, project manager, or senior executive. Gain insights into how clear strategic intent translates into organized implementation efforts using requirements. Discover how shared understanding, facilitated by requirements, enhances strategy execution.

    Presenters: Morad Mziout and Naini Sharma

  • Organizations are constantly assessing their competitive market landscape and clients’ needs. The findings have led to organizational leaders looking to improve their service offerings, customer interactions and operational efficiencies. Organizational transformation must be guided by the business strategy as it is pivotal to setting the direction of transformation journey to the north star position. For the journey to be successful and to deliver it’s expected outcomes, all changes need to be planned and executed in a structured way.  

     In many enterprises, Organization Design and Business Architecture practices have been supporting their leadership team with  ‘strategy to execution aspects’. In this webinar, presenters will take a look at each profession and also outline what activities are performed by these practitioners. This will provide an opportunity for practitioners to collaborate and deliver value for the organization.  

    Presenters: Shan Pretheshan Floris Gremman 

  • One view of customer service defines it as “a direct one-on-one interaction between a consumer and company representative, commonly engaged when a consumer is buying a product or service.” In reality, customer services are not constrained to people-delivered offerings, especially as AI takes over more roles previously performed by people. A second misconception in the above definition is that services are realized primarily during product acquisition. In the service industry in particular and all industries in general, most services are sought after and delivered post-acquisition. Consider bank customers obtaining money, paying off a loan, or correcting an account, or a transportation company delivering services to ensure that the customer and/or their shipment gets to the right place in a timely manner. Even retailers or manufacturers provide aftermarket services, including repairs and replacements. Business architecture provides a powerful value add to organizations seeking to optimize their ability to deliver customer services in the form of “product entitlements”. Join us for this webinar as it explores essential aspects of business architecture that play a central role in improving customer service delivery across the private and public sector. 

    Presenter: William Ulrich

  • The Business Architecture Guild has an established metamodel that details essential knowledgebase domains and associations needed to deploy and scale a BIZBOK® Guide-aligned, business architecture practice, with the latest version of this metamodel described in a Guild whitepaper. In parallel, with full Guild participation and leadership, a group of vendor and related member organizations of the Object Management Group (OMG) created a formal specification called the Business Architecture Core Metamodel (BACM), which is targeted for publication in early 2024. While the Guild metamodel and BACM are conceptually aligned, they also differ in a number of ways, with BACM being tool-implementable. The Guild metamodel team published a whitepaper detailing similarities and differences to enable in-house practices using the Guild metamodel and relying on BACM compliant vendor tools. The BA Guild Metamodel / Business Architecture Core Metamodel v1.0 Alignment (Part 3) webinar highlights key points from the whitepaper along with best practices for deploying these metamodels in practice. Webinar Part 3 picks up where Part 2 left off and focuses on product, interdisciplinary alignment (Requirement, Customer Experience, Process) and Policy

    Presenter:Hermann Schlamann, Jim Rhyne, Lloyd Dugan

  • Business architecture was introduced at VSP Vision Insurance six-to-seven years ago, yet the company still struggled with acceptance at senior levels of the organiza tion. The gap between the strategic team and business architecture was clear, but the potential to partner with Solution Architects in the technical division to understand their needs and inform them of the benefits of business architecture existed. Networking and collaborating with the strategic and technical teams led to the creation of additional artifacts and mappings that provided a clear view of the benefits of business architecture and facilitated a bridge between business objectives and technical execution. This session will discuss this journey, artifacts employed, and PMO processes introduced to interface with business architecture and other areas of the company

    Presenter: Gary Wright

  • The Business Architecture Guild has an established metamodel that details essential knowledgebase domains and associations needed to deploy and scale a BIZBOK® Guide-aligned, business architecture practice, with the latest version of this metamodel described in a Guild whitepaper. In parallel, with full Guild participation and leadership, a group of vendor and related member organizations of the Object Management Group (OMG) created a formal specification called the Business Architecture Core Metamodel (BACM), which is targeted for publication in early 2024. While the Guild metamodel and BACM are conceptually aligned, they also differ in a number of ways, with BACM being tool-implementable. The Guild metamodel team published a whitepaper detailing similarities and differences to enable in-house practices using the Guild metamodel and relying on BACM compliant vendor tools. The BA Guild Metamodel / Business Architecture Core Metamodel v1.0 Alignment (Part 2) webinar highlights key points from the whitepaper along with best practices for deploying these metamodels in practice. Webinar Part 2 picks up where Part 1 left off and focuses on organization, product, strategy, and initiative domain alignment.

    Presenter:Hermann Schlamann, Jim Rhyne, Lloyd Dugan

  • The Business Architecture Guild has an established metamodel that details essential knowledgebase domains and associations needed to deploy and scale a BIZBOK® Guide-aligned, business architecture practice, with the latest version of this metamodel described in a Guild whitepaper. In parallel, with full Guild participation and leadership, a group of vendor and related member organizations of the Object Management Group (OMG) created a formal specification called the Business Architecture Core Metamodel (BACM), which is targeted for publication in early 2024. While the Guild metamodel and BACM are conceptually aligned, they also differ in a number of ways, with BACM being tool-implementable. The Guild metamodel team published a whitepaper detailing similarities and differences to enable in-house practices using the Guild metamodel and relying on BACM compliant vendor tools. The BA Guild Metamodel / Business Architecture Core Metamodel v1.0 Alignment (Part 1) webinar highlights key points from the whitepaper along with best practices for deploying these metamodels in practice. Webinar Part 1 focuses on value stream, capability, information, and stakeholder domain alignment.

    Presenter:Hermann Schlamann, Jim Rhyne, Lloyd Dugan

  • Delivering customer and related stakeholder value underpins a wide range of critical focal points for organizations including improving the customer experience, maximizing partner engagement, and ensuring that business leaders and other professionals can function at peak performance. Various disciplines look at value consumption, such as customer journey mapping while other disciplines focus on value creation. Bringing these two perspectives together establishes a focal point for maximizing investments to deliver stakeholder value while optimizing the capabilities needed to do so. This webinar will examine the value consumption / value creation concepts through the lens of business architecture and the role the dual view plays in selecting and shaping investments and related initiatives.

    Presenters: William Ulrich

  • Business architecture is increasingly playing an important role in strategy execution, particularly when it comes to performing impact analysis, architecting target the state, and formalizing and aligning initiatives. Business architecture, however, also plays an important role in solution deployment, where it provides a robust basis for software service analysis and design. This webinar will discuss the role of business architecture in formulating software services, particularly the role of capabilities in software service formulation.
    Presenters: William Ulrich

  • Version 12 of the BIZBOK® Guide was released in early April 2023. This latest version underwent an extensive set of updates across 25 or so sections, logging practice-based and member-driven improvements as well as carving out new territory in other areas. While the updates are listed in the Version History, Appendix D, a summary and background on the updates would be valuable to Guild members, along with the opportunity to ask questions and gain new insights into the overall evolution of the BIZBOK® Guide. The session may also entertain questions on future updates. Please join us and get the inside story on BIZBOK® Guide V12.  

    Presenter: William Ulrich 

  • Autodesk develops and distributes software for the architecture, engineering, construction, manufacturing, media, education, and entertainment industries. As Autodesk continues to transform its business models, it identified several critical data models that required transformation to support future business endeavors. Working with data architecture, the business architecture team leveraged Autodesk’s capability map and information map to create conceptual data models that ultimately became the basis for its business systems transformation. This session will discuss the creation, ongoing maintenance and governance of the Product Data Model, with a lens on its implications for a business architecture team and its impact on initiatives that leverage this model and on Autodesk’s customers and overall business.

  • This webinar presents an update on developments in the Guild Manufacturing Reference Model and Companion Guide. In 2022, the team's major activitites involved drafting and revising business architecture scenarios, including examples relating to the Manufacture Product, the Acquire Material, and the Product Design value streams. 2023 thus far has brought new team members and expanded work product. Manufacturing Reference Model 4.0.1 was published, bringing the model into conformity with the revised Common Reference Model and adding new manufacturing-specific enhancements. For those interested in leveraging business architecture to drive manufacturing efficiency and innovation, please join us for this informative session.

    Presenters: Stephanie Ramsay and M Alexander Jurka

  • In this webinar, the co-leads of the Government Reference Model (GRM) team will show the updates to the model since the last publication and walk through an iterative, step-by-step scenario development process that has confidence-building checkpoints along the way. The session will also provide a scenario content stretch goals to whet your ambitions. There is no “one definitive method” to develop a business scenario for applying reference models in practice; we will share a method that has resulted in twelve scenarios for the forthcoming GRM Companion Guide.